Garden Soil is full of nutrients, and blended to produce and sustain a health plant inviroment as a result you benifit with our product in the long run.
Organic matter in Garden Soil is the lifeblood of productive gardening.
It stores nutrients for plants, improves the structure of the soil and holds moisture.
The organic property of a good Soil is to have any material that was once living, and includes leaf litter, compost, mulch, lawn clippings and animal manures. A soil without organic matter is a starving soil.
Our blend is perfect for Vegie and plant gardens. Our Organic Garden Soil is very popular with Market Garden Growers and also with keen home gardners.
If you add water-soluble fertilisers, apply them in small amounts frequently so that plants can use the nutrients as they are applied. Leaching of excessive applications of some soluble fertilisers, especially nitrogen fertilisers, can acidify your soil, burn plant roots and leach into water supplies.
Do yourself a favour and try our great product to produce the best vegs on the Coast. We deliver Gold Coast and Tweed Heads areas.
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