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Mon - Fri: 6:30 am - 4:30 pm
Sat: 6:30 am - 11:00 am

0411 413 121



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  • Gravel Supplies Gold Coast


    Drainage Gravel Suppliers

    70mm 40mm 20mm 10mm 5-7mm. Drainage Gravels for all type of applications

    • 5mm is used for bedding sewage pipes.

    • 10mm & 20mm for bedding agg pipe.

    • 20mm for behind retainer walls & soakage pit. This is also ideal alternative to decorate.

    • 40mm behind retainer walls, rubble and sewage pits.

    Drainage Gravel is a great way to divert water away from your home or business depending upon where you are placing it and its purpose. The size of the rock will determine the rate at which water can easily flow through the gravel. It is quite a versatile product that is generally used for protection behind retaining walls but can also be used in the garden and other areas where water can easily become trapped. Feel free to call us to discuss your next project.


    Rubble / Quarry Rock

    40mm and 80mm Gravel ideal drainage solution for rock walls or as a shake down on building sites Used for construction entrances & behind retaining walls. 75-150 Gabian Rock,  150-300 Revetment Rock, 300-500 for those special requirements available, also the product is always used for water drains, creek beds and mesh cages.


    Retaining Wall Gravel   *In Stock*

    Special Blend 40-90mm Gravel free draining. 100% Crushed drainage Gravel.

    12t (9m3) truck loads Delivered for $410 including GST to all Gold Coast areas


    Crusher Dust Subgrade for Under Slabs and Pavers

              Clean Quality Crusher Dust perfect for all subgrade applications including pipes, under slabs and pavers. Compacts well, used for driveways paths as a base for water tanks rather than substandard materials. Crusher Dust is a fine 5mm minus material due to this can be used as a compactable base under pavers and slabs. Cracker dust is an economical and sturdy material for pathways and driveways because it compacts and for that reason makes a hard and stable surface. Crusher dust may also be referred to as blue metal dust, cracker dust, and quarry sand, We can help with all your enquiries, we are only a call away to help you on your next project.


      Ornamental Gravel

      White Ornamental Gravel to compliment your Landscaping 20mm Decorative White crushed local Quartz Gravel Perfect for finishing off your project.


    • Earthmoving and Civil Works

      We offer Construction and earthworks for Hardstands, Roads and Civil needs. Our Construction arm Hinterland Driveways and Excavation have the experience to complete your job on time and on budget. Website:  Hinterland Driveways and Excavation
      Phone : 0756188883
    • You can see all our products from here Product Range

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